Volume One of the New Message contains essential teachings for the world and begins a new communication from the heart of God to humanity.
Volume One opens the door to the foundational books of the New Message like “The Greater Community”, “The Power of Knowledge”, “The Journey to a New Life” and the forthcoming book, “The New Way Forward for Humanity.”
The books of Volume One reveal the nature and reality of God, how God speaks to the world and a new understanding of the challenge of life in our world and the Greater Community of life in the universe.
These books also alert us of the dangers and pressing needs facing the world now and in the future. They offer a calling to reclaim and express the undiscovered spiritual power that lives in each of us and enables us to find and follow what we deeply know.
The books of Volume One contain the original spoken revelations received by Marshall Vian Summers. He has been compiling these teachings into the volumes and books of The New Message.