Next Steps
Learn how to navigate a radically changing world.
A New Education. A New Way Forward.
The New Message offers an essential education and preparation for living successfully in a challenging world. With this, it teaches a pathway for developing your innate human intelligence— what it calls “Knowledge” or the “knowing mind”— which holds the key to navigating the difficulties of life and to discovering and fulfilling your unique contribution in the world.
It is this education and preparation that together combine to provide a source of purpose, wisdom and strength in one’s life and provide a new sense of direction and contribution in service to the world.
The education begins with an understanding of these four fundamental crises:
- Humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe. Contact is taking place by extraterrestrial forces from beyond our world at a time of major environmental and technological change. The New Message reveals the reality of those forces visiting our world and with it the greater context of how life works in the universe.
- Great Waves of environmental, social, and economic change are converging and escalating at this time, bringing with them the risk of war and human suffering on a scale never seen before. The New Message provides a new way forward for humanity and a pathway of inner and outer preparation that each person can use to strengthen their life and discover meaningful ways to contribute within this new world reality.
- A deep inner crisis is being felt by people everywhere—a disconnection from one’s spiritual reality and a loss of meaning, relationship and direction in life. The force of our individual and collective spiritual reality is the missing ingredient in addressing many of the problems we face, and it is by integrating this spiritual force into our daily lives that we can contribute to the world in the most meaningful way. It will be the contribution of individuals guided by Knowledge—this innate spiritual intelligence—that will make all the difference in deciding the future outcome for humanity.
- The religions of the world are deeply divided and in competition with each other and within themselves. Instead of supporting human unity and cooperation and the recognition of our common spirituality, religion is adding fuel to the raging conflicts in our world and is creating new waves of strife and division that are weakening the human family. The New Message further reveals the presence of God in the universe and speaks to the One Spirituality of our human family which is the underlying and unifying force that can restore respect, relationship and collaboration among our religious traditions.
Key Concepts
Where to Begin
1) Learn about The Reality of Alien Contact
2) Learn about the Great Waves of Change
3) Learn about The Power of Knowledge
4) Learn about Life in the Universe
The Preparation
The Preparation – Going Deeper
Further Steps